CMD Commands
- Open Command Prompt
- Type convert D: / fs: ntfs
(Meaning changing the file system on drive D: \ to NTFS)
- If the system can not lock the drive, select 'Yes' on alert 'Convert it during the next boot'
- Conversion of FAT / FAT32 to NTFS is not destructive, so the data will not be hilang2. DETECTION OF CHANGES IN REGISTRY
- Open Command Prompt
- Type regedit
- Import Registry Key with the name first.reg
- After a lot of changes in PC
- Import Registry Key now with the name now.reg
- Close Regedit
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type fc first.reg now.reg> different.txt
- Open different.txt file that contains changes to the Registry with notepad3. SAVE FOLDER & FILE STRUCTURE
- Open Command Prompt
- Type dir C: / s> structure.txt
- Browse all File & Folder in C: will be stored in a text file STRUCTURE.TXT4. EDIT BOOT LOADER XP
- Open Command Prompt
- Type cd \ to be in the root directory system
- Type attrib -s -h -r boot.ini
- Type edit boot.ini
Examples of the contents of the boot.ini file on dual OS Windows XP XP Mandarin & English:
[Boot loader]
timeout = 30
default = multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS
[Operating systems]
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / noexecute = optin / fastdetect
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (2) \ WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / noexecute = optin / fastdetect
- Time Out: The waiting time before the election the OS is done, in seconds
- Default: OS partition to be selected as the default, so it will be executed when the choice is not done
- Multi disk: The order of options that appear at boot, change the order of partition and the word inside the "" (quotation marks) in accordance selera5. RECOVERY CONSOLE
With CD Installer
- Go to the BIOS, set it to first boot on CD / DVD
- Furthermore, similar to the Windows Install process
- As part of Welcome to Setup screen, press R to enter the Recovery Console.
- Once inside, select Windows which will be accessible through the Recovery Console (if there are multiple Windows installed) by selecting numbers.
- Enter the administrator password
- If the password is correct, will prompt C: \ Windows>, Recovery Console is ready to receive input
Command in Recovery Console
- Attrib: Commands to change attributes of a file or directory.
Example:? Attrib -h c: \ config.sys? that is to say, config.sys file located in the root directory C has eliminated its Hidden attribute.
- Batch: The command to start the Recovery Console set of commands in a text file.
Example:? Batch runme.txt postrun.txt? that is, the command will run the batch command that is written in the input file runme.txt, while postrun.txt own file will be created automatically as the output file
- Bootcfg: Used to create or modify the boot.ini file.
Example:? Bootcfg / scan? means all active hard drive will be checked whether there is a Windows-her.
- ChDir: Command to display the drive letter and folder that was entered, as well as to change the drive datau directory you want to use.
Example:? Chdir system32? that is, the location will move directly to the System32 directory.
- Chkdsk: The command to identify and fix errors on the hard drive.
Example: chkdsk c: / p? that is, drive C is checked whether there is error of his, as well as improved
- Cls: The command to clear the screen of text.
- Copy: The command to copy files from one location to another.
Example: copy d: \ i386 \ atapi.sy_ c: \ Atapi.sys? that is to say, atapi.sy_ files in the folder D: \ i386 will be copied to the C: \ with the name Atapi.sys.
- Delete: The command to delete a file.
Example:? Delete c: \ Atapi.sys? that is to say, the Atapi.sys file on the root of drive C will be erased.
- Dir: command to display a list of files or folders in the current folder, as well as other important information such as hard drive serial number, file number, size and capacity harrdisk.
Example: dir c: \ *. * / P? that is to say, all that is in the root of C including subfolders are displayed per page.
- Disable: The command to disable a service or driver.
Example:? Disable IMAPI? that is to say, service named IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service will be disabled. To display a list of service used Listsvc command.
- Diskpart: Commands to create or delete a partition on the hard drive.
Example:? Diskpart / add \ Device \ HardDisk0 1000? that is, the primary hard drive will be created a new partition with the size of 1000MB. Just type diskpart to enter the interactive mode.
- Enable: The command to activate the service or driver.
Example:? Enable IMAPI SERVICE_AUTO_START? that is to say, IMAPI service is activated by the startup type SERVICE_AUTO_START.
- Exit: The command to end the Recovery Console.
- Expand: The command to extract files from a compressed file at the CAB or ZIP file. Example: expand d: \ cmpnents \ netfx \ i386 \ /f:alink.dll c: \? that is to say, a file named alink.dll in compressed file is in D: \ cmpnents \ netfx \ i386 extracted to C: \.
- Fixboot: The command to write the boot sector on the partition is determined, especially when experiencing corrupt boot sector.
Example:? Fixboot c :? that is to say, rewriting the boot sector on drive C.
- Fixmbr: The command to write om Boot Record (MBR) to the new hard drive, especially when the virus destroys the MBR so that Windows can not boot.
Example: fixmbr \ Device \ Harddisk0? that is to say, the MBR will be rewritten on the primary hard drive.
- Format: The command to format the drive Desired
Example: format c: / q / fs: NTFS? that is to say, the C drive will be formatted using the NTFS file system to format the quick method.
- Listsvc: The command to display a list of service and driver of Windows that are currently active.
- Help: The command to display information that is more detailed about all the commands in the Windows Recovery Console.alasi determined if there are more than one Windows, Windows when trying to move from one to the other without going through the boot process.
- Map: The command to display the partition, drive letter, and file system used by Windows activation.
- Mkdir: Command to create a new folder.
- More: The command to display the contents of a file that can be opened with Notepad as TXT, INI, LOG, OLD, REG, BAT, etc.
Example: more c: \ windows \ system.ini? that is to say, a file called system.ini in the directory C: \ Windows will see its contents.
- Rename: The command to rename a file.
Example: rename c: \ windows \ funny.log cute.log? that is to say, a file named funny.log in the directory C: \ Windows converted into cute.log.
- Rmdir: The command to delete a folder.
- Set: The command to activate or deactivate the four options in the Recovery Console is Allowwildcards, AllowAllPaths, AllowRemovableMedia and Nocopyprompt.
- Systemroot: The command to restore to the systemroot folder in this case C: \ Windows.
- Type: The same command function with the More command.
Example:? Type c: \ boot.ini? that is, to show the contents of the boot.ini file in the directory C.
Repair / Replace File Boot.ini
- Go to the Recovery Console
- Type bootcfg / rebuild at the prompt
- Type? Y? the question Add installation to boot list? (Yes / No / All)?
- Type the Windows version (co: Windows XP Professional) which is used in questions Enter Load Identifier:
- Type / fastdetect on questions Enter OS Load options:
- Eject the CD and restart the PC.
Restore NTLDR and NTDETECT [dot] com
- Go to the Recovery Console
- Type copy d: \ i386 \ ntldr c: \ at the prompt
- Type? Y? the question Overwrite
- Type copy d: \ i386 \ c: \ at the prompt
- Eject the CD and restart PC.6. ACCESS TIME CD-ROM Safemode
- When booting press F8
- Select Command Prompt only
- Type win / d: m7. MAKE / EDIT AUTORUN.INF
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type edit autorun.inf
- Create / edit files with the structure:
Header, always starting with this article
Icon, the device icon that appears in the Explorer, for example:
icon = Naruto.ico
icon = \ my icon \ Naruto.ico
icon = Naruto.exe
icon = System.dll, 2
Labels, device name display in Explorer, for example:
label = Naruto
Autoplay, the application to be executed, for example:
open = corel.exe
open = \ program \ corel.exe
Context Menu, the menu displayed when right-click, for example:
shell \ application1 \ command = myprogram1.exe
shell \ application2 \ command = application \ myprogram2.exe
View File, open the device when the file is accessed, for example:
shellexecute = http: //
shellexecute = \ documents \ readme.txt8. CORRECT BOOT.INI
- Insert the CD Installer XP
- Boot with the XP installer CD
- At Microsoft's Setup menu press R to enter the Recovery Console
- Select the OS
- Enter the password Admin
- After entering the Command Prompt type bootcfg / rebuild
- Type Y for the "Add installation to boot list? (Yes / No / All) "
- Type "Windows XP Professional" or "Windows XP Home Edition" to "Enter Load Identifier"
- Type / fastdetect for "Enter OS Load options"
- Remove the CD Installer XP
- Type exit, and then restart computer9. Om CORRECT BOOT RECORD
- Insert the CD Installer XP
- Boot with the XP installer CD
- At Microsoft's Setup menu press R to enter the Recovery Console
- Select the OS that will be improved
- Enter the password Admin
- After entering the Command Prompt type FixMBR
- Remove the CD Installer XP
- Type exit, and then restart the computer
Cat: should not be used in dual booting XP and Se7en
- Insert the CD Installer Vista / Se7en
- Boot with CD Installer Vista / Se7en
- Select Language, Time, Currency, etc. and then click Next
- Click the Repair Your Computer
- Select the OS that will be improved
- Select Command Prompt
- Type Bootrec.exe (boot configuration data), or
Bootrec.exe / fixmbr (only om boot record)
Bootrec.exe / fixboot (boot sector)
Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd (overall data) 10. FILE SIZE FOR A PARTICULAR
- Open the Calculator program, select Scientific mode
- Type the desired file size, eg 1000000 (one million bytes)
- Convert to Hex, eg result F4240
- Add zeros to the left until they reached eight digits, eg 000F4240
- Open Command Prompt
- Ignore the message 'File not found'
- Type the RCX, and press Enter
- Type the last four digits, eg 4240, and press Enter
- Type RBX, and press Enter
- Type the first four digits, eg, 000F, and then press Enter
- Type W (for Write)
- Type Q (for Quit)
- Congratulations! Files with names MYFILE.DAT dg size of 1MB created!
11. Copy And Paste in COMMAND PROMPT
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Right Click
- Select Mark
- Block Text / Line to be in Copy
- Press Enter
- Open Notepad
- Press Ctrl + V (Paste)
- Go to the Command Prompt
- For example, type C: \> start / min notepad / p D: \ Coba.txt
(Print text files to a USB printer lsg dg help Notepad antecedent Minimized) 13. REMOVE / FOR PARTITION
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type diskpart
- After entering DISKPART>
- Type list disk
- Select HDD that will be deleted partition, for example:
DISKPART> select disk 3
- Remove all partitions on selected HDD, for example:
- Create Partition Primary 10GB, for example:
DISKPART> create partition primary size = 10000 DISKPART> create partition extended
- Remaining HDD made Logical Partitioning, for example:
DISKPART> create partition logical
- Refresh with:
DISKPART> rescan
- See the results:
DISKPART> list partition
Cat: dangerous, the risk on the responsibility of each! 14. COLOR IN COMMAND PROMPT
List of colors:
0 = Black
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Aqua
4 = Red
5 = Purple
6 = Yellow
7 = White
8 = Gray
9 = Light Blue
A = Light Green
B = Light Aqua
C = Light Red
D = Light Purple
E = Light Yellow
F = Bright White
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type color [Background Color] [Text Color], for example:
color 46
(Background Color red, yellow text color)
- To return to the original color, simply type color15. SAVE INFORMATION SYSTEM
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type systeminfo> C: \ info.txt
- Type edit C: \ info.txt, or
- Open the file info.txt with Notepad16. QUICK ACCESS - Log Command Prompt
To access directly ...
- ADD / REMOVE PROGRAMS, type appwiz.cpl
- CHARACTER MAP, type charmap
- COMPUTER MANAGEMENT, type compmgmt
- DATE TIME PROPERTIES, type timedate.cpl
- DEVICE MANAGER, type hdwwiz.cpl or devmgmt.msc
- DEVICE & PRINTER, type control printers
- DirectX DIAGNOSTIC, type dxdiag
- Disk Cleanup, type cleanmgr
- DISPLAY PROPERTIES, type desk.cpl
- EASE OF ACCESS CENTER, type utilman
- EVENT VIEWER, type eventvwr
- FOLDER OPTIONS, type control folders
- FONTS, type control fonts
- GAME CONTROLLERS, type joy.cpl
- INTERNET PROPERTIES, type inetcpl.cpl
- KEYBOARD PROPERTIES, type control keyboard
- Local Group Policy Editor, type gpedit
- LOCAL USERS and GROUPS, type lusrmgr
- MOUSE PROPERTIES, type main.cpl or control mouse
- NETWORK CONNECTIONS, type ncpa.cpl or control netconnections
- POWER OPTIONS, type powercfg.cpl
- REGIONAL SETTINGS, type intl.cpl
- REGISTRY EDITOR, type regedit
- SECURITY CENTER, type wscui.cpl
- Shared folders, type fsmgmt
- SOUND PROPERTIES, type mmsys.cpl
- SYSTEM PROPERTIES, type sysdm.cpl
- Task Scheduler, type control schedtasks
- WINDOWS COLOR & APPEARANCE, type control color
- WINDOWS FIREWALL, type firewall.cpl
- WINDOWS MAGNIFY, type magnify
- WINDOWS SERVICES, type dcomcnfg
Computer logoff after 1 minute
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type shutdown -l t 60
The computer restarts after 1 hour
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type shutdown -r t 360
Shutdown Computer after 10 seconds dg message
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type the 10 st shutdown -c "Type Text Here!"
Cancel command
- Go to the Command Prompt
- Type shutdown -a
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